Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Slap from God

Have you ever prayed for something and heard God give you an answer? I don't mean like how I prayed for my daughter and FINALLY got, no, not that sort of answer...the scary, tear inducing, goosebump raising, OH MY WORD, HE IS TALKING TO ME answer!!! That kind of answer!

I have been praying through something for weeks ( about myself and my mother) and I REALLY wanted God to be on my side...even though I knew He might not be on this one. Well, my Pastor began his sermon today, I was listening intently, my husband was in the back of the church doing Spanish translation, and suddenly WHAM!!! Now I have to tell you this was not a case of, "maybe that applies to my situation", this was very, very specific. At the end of the message Jorge, my husband, said (with tears in his eyes),"Did you get that?"

I called my mom and had a heart-to-heart.

Sometimes the Lord just has to get it across to us with a little more than a nudge. I needed that slap!

Thank you, Jesus.

Did that ever happen to you?


Ivy Vega from said...

Linda, I always say that the Lord has resered a 4x4 just for me. when I IGNORE the ndge he just WHAMS me over the head with it!

momma said...

I bet you never thought there would be a comment from me....
There is still some talking we need to do, so maybe while I'm down there... Just remember that I love you more than anything in this world... I love you & will talk to you soon...