Saturday, December 8, 2007

ahhhh...girl time!

As I've said in a previous post...if I'm not careful I get bogged down in the craziness of Christmas. This weekend is a prime example. Friday was just a mess at work...people are all feeling the stress of the season and we are all just a little off...and it spreads! Friday night Maya had a birthday party to go attend. This morning she had another birthday party to go to...she has another one tomorrow (no, I'm not exaggerating!). Add to the mix, a women's ornament exchange/party at my house this evening...yes, my house, starting at 5:30 pm...I got home from the b-day party at 4:00 pm...I have to tell you I was gritting my teeth the whole time thinking of the 1,001 things I still needed to do at home. We made it home, I scrubbed the bathrooms, mopped the floor,showered, put on some makeup and answered the door with a smile at 5:23! You know what though...time with the girls, just sitting around, eating, & chatting was just what the doctor ordered! It was great to just laugh & hang out for a few hours. Time with girlfriends is always a hard earned treat and something I don't do nearly enough. It's a great 'spirit improver'! spirit is recharged but my body is exhausted!


Melissa in Mel's World said...


I LOVE that you have a new blog and I LOVE the fact that I finally have a way to get to know you better!

I am SO looking forward to growing with you through this...


Linda Vazquez said...

Thanks, Melissa! I guess it kinda came by way of told a friend...she told a friend and so on...! LOL! You're an inspiration, chica!