Monday, December 3, 2007

Let's all try to remember...

It's 5:50 am and I have been up for an hour. I have had my quiet time this morning. I get up sometimes (when I am not so lazy) and have a quiet time of prayer and reflection. I really felt like I needed it after my one-on-one with God yesterday.

So, I am sitting in my living room...where we never sit except this time of year...drinking my second cup of coffee and staring at my Christmas tree. It is so beautiful. There are even 4 tiny presents underneath it (Maya found something to recycle for her Papi and me & we reciprocated). As I sit here and look at all of my decorations and think about all of the parties, cooking, shopping and wrapping that still needs to be done (not to mention the homework, work, dance classes, girl scouts...) I said a little prayer for myself and all the magnificently busy women that are in my life that we can find time for these quiet moments and REALLY think about why we go to all this trouble...

Happy Birthday Jesus!

'He came to pay a debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt we couldn't pay'

Take time for you & Him.

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