Sunday, December 16, 2007


I went to a funeral yesterday. It was for the mother of a good friend of mine. It would have been her mother's 70th birthday.

It made me an emotional wreck. I didn't even stay for the whole thing. My friend is an only child. Her biological father passed away when April was very young and she was raised by her mother and step-father. She and her mother were extraordinarily close. My friend is a police detective and has a very 'tough girl' attitude. When I heard her crying it tore my heart out. I never know quite what to say. These are the times that I wish I was more eloquent.

As my heart broke for her, the little band-aid that was on it, healing the wound of my father's loss was ripped off. I am having such a hard time this month. I don't feel much peace. I am praying.

I know that the Lord feels our hurt. I know He understands. I want to run to Him and turn it over to Him. I want April to do the same. I just don't seem to ever be able to let it go. The holidays, birthdays, anniversaries are like a punch to the gut.

Please pray for April, her father Steve and her family.

1 comment:

Ivy Vega from said...

There are times that your presence is enough when words are not. I feel her pain, she needs our prayers.