Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Makin' Memories

I had some free time for thought as my daughter was in dance class's so funny because normally I would have run over to the grocery store or Hallmark or SOMETHING but I decided to be still.

My mind began to wander back to my childhood. It started with Christmas and ended with me smiling from ear to ear...and then...ding! ding! ding! A revelation!

The things that made me smile were memories of me with all of my cousins at my grandparents house. We were there as often as we were allowed. When I was very young we lived close to cousins and I would change into my Pop's plain white T-shirts, hop on the floor (sometimes we even had pillows!) and go to sleep. We would spend all day outside making up games, catching tadpoles, riding on the lawn mower with Pop, fun stuff! My cousin Kristie & I thought we were singers (wellllll, we still do but neither of us can carry a tune!) and we held shows and our grandmother was always a willing audience...we fought over who was Sandy & who was Danny! There were broken bones from trampoline accidents, stitches, darts in the head (yes, there was a dart in a head!), fist fighting, name calling and all sorts of childhood things! I'm not sure why we had those helmets on in this photo...

Of course I remember Christmas there also. What I remember about Christmas there was just being with them. I don't remember what I got. I don't remember if their house was clean. I don't remember what we ate. I remember that we laughed a lot. I remember that we truly loved each other and were so happy to be together. Aren't those the things we should remember?

I am going to try harder to have those moments for my daughter. She won't remember what we are buying her 30 years from now. Hopefully she will remember that we loved her, we made her laugh & we did our best to show her the right thing to do.

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