Monday, September 29, 2008

Overheard in K3

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my babies at school! Today in my 3 year old Art class we were reviewing primary colors and the kids were given a chance to draw anything they wanted to as long as they used primary colors to do it, while I traced their hands for their next project. This is what I overheard:

3 yr old #1: I'm gonna draw a TORMATO

3 yr old #2: I'm drawing a TORMATO too and mine is gonna be blue (and he started drawing swirly lines that began to resemble a tornado)!

#1: oh no! That's not a TORMATO! It has to be red and round like this (and he starts his tomato)!

I adore them!

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