Today we started a new series at church. It's called 'Heaven'. It is going to be a really awesome series that I am looking forward to! Robey said something today that was very cool. He called Jesus a 'prototype'. I'd never heard that before and think it's so appropriate! He was the original! He died and rose again so that we can follow his example if only we believe! I liked the analogy!
prototype Unabridged (
pro·to·type /ˈproʊtəˌtaɪp/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[proh-tuh-tahyp] noun, verb -typed, -typ·ing.
–noun 1. the original or model on which something is based or formed.
2. someone or something that serves to illustrate the typical qualities of a class; model; exemplar
Interesting about your church series on Heaven. Rosemary Barnes is doing a ladies Bible study on Heaven at Calvary this fall. It started today.
I guess the Barnes family is as ready as I am to go there! Or maybe they are sharing notes!
Either way we get to enjoy and reap the benefits, right?
Too funny, Kim. I'll ask Robey about using his mom's notes! ;)
When are you coming to see us?
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