Tuesday, March 10, 2009

UGH! Sickness Stinks!

Okay, so I woke up last week and my family was SICK! Maya had an ear infection and a stomach bug that brought with it 104 degree fevers! Jorge had a sinus infection that also included fever/chills. I had PINK EYE (a free perk that you get when working with small children)! It was a stinky week!! Thankfully, Sunday morning we all woke up bright eyed and HEALTHY! I gave a shout out to the Lord, thanking Him for His healing hand on my family and then said a prayer for families everywhere that deal with this daily with no end in sight. I had faith in the Lord and the antibiotics that my family would be well within a couple of days, we're the lucky ones. Praying for those that need more than antibiotics & 48 hours!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are all feeling much better. I know it is affecting everyone it seems like all over Florida. Love ya! Anita

Anonymous said...

My heart is sad for families with terminal children too. I cannot imagine that suffering.

Great post. Glad you are back/
