Saturday, February 2, 2008


I attended a funeral last night. It was for my friend's father. His struggle with cancer is over. He is free. Those of us who have been left behind by a loved one's passing are the ones who suffer. He's the lucky one!

His story parallels my father's story in so many ways. His fight was a brave fight Jorge just reminded me last night that "no one wanted to live more than Dean". That was true! Right up until his last day my dad wanted to live and he wanted to do it his way! And he did! My friend's father did it his way also. My dad accepted the Lord as his Savior precisely one week before he went to be with Him. My friend's father was saved 8 days prior (I think it was 8!). Isn't that amazing???

When my dad opened his heart to the Lord, my mom, Jorge, Maya and I were there (along with a whole congregation of people praying specifically for him) and that is one of my most precious memories of all. What makes it so much sweeter is that Maya WAS there. She witnessed her 'Pa' accept the Lord and all she could say for days was that she would see him in heaven one day! She was 6.

I thank the Lord for loving me and dying for me but I have another reason I am so glad I'm a Christian. My faith that I will see my loved ones again. I always wonder what parents without faith tell their children when their loved ones pass. I cannot imagine telling Maya that her grandfather passed away and 'oh well lived but he's gone!' My baby cried a river. Her little heart was broken but she looked at Jorge and I through the tears and said, "Well, at least he's in heaven and not hurting anymore. He's gettin' it ready for me!" Thank you Jesus for letting her know that. I am so grateful for her blind faith!

My friend is an amazing Christian woman who really seemed to have it together last night. I will keep her in my prayers as the days go by. It won't be easy. The selfish part of us wants them here with us. I have a day like that atleast once a week. I know she will too. Please say a prayer for her and her family.


Anonymous said...

I have thought many times about that. It must be hard when you don't show your children about god to explain to them about death.

Anonymous said...

I'll pray for your friend. I don't think you ever get over the death of a parent. But we will see them again.

Ivy Vega from said...

Oh Linda, I feel her hurt. I know that your friend's father's illness was no surprised to God. He was preparing the way so others can now give Him glory.

I was blessed in a similar way. My story rather than days were a short month before.

My sweetest memory is before my mom lost conscious and went to sleep, she prayed, and said I am ready.

And that is what the Lord want for us, to be ready.

Be strong for her, we know what she is feeling.