Sunday, January 20, 2008


~!!WARNING!!~ This post is TRULY just a jumble of random thought!

I had such a great day yesterday! We went to the Keys to have brunch with my in-laws to celebrate my mother-in-law's and my birthday (same day, cool, huh?). I am blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law. When Jorge and I first got married she, in her broken English, was introducing me to one of her friends and she said, 'Dis es my daughter-en-LOVE'. Later I corrected her and she decided that she liked her interpretation better so she kept it! It didn't take long for me to use it also.

After a wonderful feast (remember, I had just gone off the wacky diet) of an egg beater omelet with spinach and feta cheese & sliced tomato, we headed back home to babysit our little 1 year old niece, Amber. We had such a nice time playing with her and also hanging out with our 19 year old niece! Jorge is so good with got me thinkin' about life. Scary, I know!

I ALWAYS wanted children, ALWAYS! I wanted three! There would be 2 boys and a girl. I already had their names picked out (Maya was Maya since I was 9 years old!)and their birth order. My friend Nina and I would have husbands who were best friends... you get it! Don't all little girls do that? The Lord obviously had other plans for me. Infertility issues saw to it that Maya would be our only one. I prayed during those days that if He would just give us one I would be satisfied and I am! It's just days like yesterday that got me to thinkin' about all of that again!

One of my close friends is still doing the adoption waiting game. Another friend is going to pick up her baby, hopefully, in March. Their family has been waiting for such a long time! Both of these women are loving, beautiful, patient, godly women. They are both in my prayers.

Today at church I was reminded again of why things like infertility happen to women that were CREATED to be mommies! Our message was from Acts 17:26-28.

From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.'

I was reminded of how He is sovereign and in control of the plan He has for each of our lives. Did my friends plan to adopt children? Probably not. Did I plan to have one baby? Absolutely not! One thing I DO know is that these women are going to bless these babies and raise them up to glorify our Creator. That's exactly what He wants!

I am beyond blessed with my sweet, perceptive, beautiful daughter! I thank My God for her all the time! This book, Quaker Summer, Mindy passed on to me, has a quote that made me read it over and over and wish that I had written it first!

"Knowing I wanted a dozen, God only blessed me with one. In a kingdom of children He might have given me, He was merciful enough to give me the prince(ss)."

I like that.


Kim said...

Linda- that was sooo very sweet of you. I think I know the other friend waiting to adopt too- I am praying for them both- they are special to our family!
Looking forward to visiting Frca with a little one soon!

Anonymous said...

Maya is so sweet and you were very lucky she is the one God chose for you. You guys have a special bond.

Ivy Vega from said...

Is unknown to me whay some of us struggle with infertility and others in turn are blessed with many. Well I too played the Mommy game for many years, God implanted in my heart my desire to be one, and HE came through. Not in my time, but in HIS.
I close my eyes and think of Sarai and Hagar. 2 Women, 1 Man, 2 Nations, 1 God.
They took matters into their hands, tying GOD's in the interim.
Makes me think, how many times have I tied HIS hands when he is trying to work it out for me.
Great Post, got carry away (sorry)
Your amiga.

Kim said...

Hello- Just wanted to say I have to make my blog private now but you can e-mail me and I will send you an invitation.