Friday, January 18, 2008

Biblical Encouragement

As I am on this weight loss quest, seeking biblical encouragement, I am being slammed with messages! Thank you, Father! Here is one I keep referring to in my mind! It's a great one!

1 Corinthians 6:12

"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.

Does it speak to your life in any way?


Kim said...

Hey Linda- it's Kim Glass! Maya is growing up so fast- please give her a hug! That is great about the diet- I need to come back to Flamingo and do it with you all!
I miss you and the students!
Check out our blog-

Linda Vazquez said...

KIM!!!! I miss you! It's great to hear from you and with such wonderful news! We think about you guys so often and hear little bits of info every now and then! We miss you at FRCA! I will definetly keep my eye on your blog for updates! Drew is so, so handsome! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Linda, it speaks to me in another way. You know issues that I have. The bible always gives you what you need for your life.

Kim said...

Hey! Do yo mind if I put a link to your log on mine? Thanks!

Linda Vazquez said...

Kim~ that would be great...can I link you too? I know a lot of people that read my blog are really interested in your family happenings!


Kim said...

Link on honey! Thank you!
Hello and hugs to Maya!