Sunday, January 13, 2008

The 'Wacky' Diet Starts Tomorrow!

I bought all of the stuff for this wacky diet we are doing this week! My friend called and said she bought hers other friend called this afternoon and started TODAY! A day early! It should be easy since we work together and can encourage each's only for a week!

My friend at church today asked me if I was crazy picking a week like this. See, it's my birthday week. She told me to cancel! CANCEL!?!?!?! Is she CRAZY? There is never a perfect time to start. She was kinda sad because we have our small group tomorrow and she wanted to bake a cake for me...well....she's gonna bring fruit instead! What a great friend! Her husband said I was selfish for depriving all of them of his wife's chocolate cake! HA! Gotta love the honesty of men!

As I previously posted, I am doing this weight loss deal with the help of the Lord. I am totally looking at it from a biblical perspective and seem to be more determined than ever! I finished the week with a really nice weight loss. ;) Makes it SO, SO worth it! Let's see what this little fad diet does...

Good luck to all my friends out there struggling with the same insane issue I am!


Anonymous said...

Keep it up! Not so sure about this "wacky" diet. Keep us all up to date on how that goes. It's not dangerous is it?

Ivy Vega from said...

Linda, am I going to see you green in a week?


Melissa in Mel's World said...

You can DO it Linda! You Go Girl! Can't wait to hear how this CRAZY diet went this week!

Happy Birthday, by the way!


Linda Vazquez said...

Thank you so much, all of you, for the encouragement! It hasn;t been so difficult guys know Beth...doing anything with her is fun! We are taking it serious as far as the diet itself go but we are having WAAAAAAAY too much fun making fun of ourselves!

Isa, it's not dangerous, promise!

Ivy, I think I'm turning ORANGE (carrots), not green!

Melissa, thanks for the b-day wishes! I'll keep you posted on the outcome~!

Ivy Vega from said...


I love it....

Miss you!