Thursday, January 24, 2008


I have been thinking about motherhood a lot these last few days. My friend Ivy wrote a beautiful post yesterday about motherhood and her daughter Dani(you can view it by clicking on her link on the right).

I had been thinking along those same lines for a few days.

I was talking to a good friend of mine about how hard it is to be a mommy. Don't get me wrong, as difficult as it is, it is one of my greatest pleasures in life. I LOVE being a mommy but MAN IS IT HARD?! My friend has two children and her husband wouldn't mind having another...we all know couples like that. He is not pressuring her at all but she knows he'd like it. We were talking about how much more work we, as moms, have compared to the dads.

We tend to be the ones that cook for everyone, clean for everyone, launder the clothes, wash the hair, check behind the ears, check their teeth, check the homework, help them study, drive to lessons & playdates, soothe the wounded spirits, bandage the bruised bodies, administer time-outs...the list goes on & on...

But ya know what else? To them, in their little world, 18 months or 18 yrs. there is no one like their mom. I know that my daughter ADORES her father. ADORES HIM! She would probably inhale him if she could, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but there is definitely an amazing bond between the two of us. It brings tears to my eyes to even think of it. She's my girl! I am so proud of the child that she is! She loves her Lord. I am never more proud than when she is complimented on her heart, her perceptiveness, her spirituality. Isn't that proof that I am working on getting my job done? One day I hope to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

So, as much as I mess up, as many days as I think I might lose it, I receive my reward each time she tells me she loves me out of the blue.

I place her in His safekeeping each and every day. I can do my exhausting job and do it thoroughly but unless I give her back to Him every day, it's all in vain!

I have this old quote that I found somewhere that I read pretty often. I'm not even sure where it came from or who the author is but here ya go:

When I washed their faces, I prayed that they
might be cleansed by the Saviour's precious blood.
When I put on their garments, I prayed that
they might be arrayed in the garments of salvation and in the robes of God's righteousness.

When I gave them food, I prayed that they
might be fed with the Bread of life.
When I started them on the road to school, I
prayed that their faith might be a shining light.

When I put them to sleep, I prayed that they
might be enfolded in the Saviour's everlasting arms.

Isn't that great?


Kim said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful picture of her! Where did that toothless grinning kindergartener with the sweetest spirit ever go? Our job is thankless alot but so worth it for sure. Keep up the good work of raising a Godly daughter, south Florida needs more of them!

Kim said...

Hi again, just wanted to make sure that you saw the comment about our blog being private. Just e-mail me at and I'll add you. Sorry I'm leaving so many comments- I'll stop now!

Anonymous said...

Motherhood really is the hardest job and the most rewarding job. You hit it all right on the head.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, That was an incredible post. Yes, being a mom is hard, but so rewarding, every I love you, every kiss, every hug, and every is so worth it. I thank God every day not only that He gave me the gift to be a mom, but to be able to be a stay home mom and do the main ministy I was called to do. Juliana

Ivy Vega from said...

Linda, in the same line can I add:

1 Samuel 1:27;28

For this child I prayed, and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him; Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he still shall be lent to the Lord.

Besitos y "apurate"!


Linda Vazquez said...

thank you all so much for your nice comments.

Kim, I don't know what happened to that toothless wonder either...those days just flew by!

Isa, the most difficult and under appreciated of all jobs is ours!

Juliana, it's extremely rewarding which is why the circle of life continues...we are blessed with our 'babies'.

Ivy, that verse is my favorite and is plastered all over my house. It's especially meaningful to those of us who REALLY, REALLY prayed for a long time for our children!