Saturday, January 26, 2008

Girl Scout Cookies

Let me preface this rant by stating that I grew up in a small town. I am convinced that this has had a direct effect on my outlook in life. I don't do well with rudeness.

We spent the afternoon selling Girl Scout cookies. I am not for one minute fooled into thinking that this encounter at your local Publix is by any means a pleasant one for any of us. No one likes to be accosted by cute little girls with pleading eyes and overpriced cookies. Ya know what? JUST SAY NO!!! These girls were so bewildered by people completely ignoring them and walking away as if they didn't just hear, in stereo by the way, "Would you like to buy some cookies?" Is it so difficult to be civilized, personable, polite?????? Just say 'no'...a 'no, thank you' would be nice but these girls would have even accepted a shake of a head.

Is it because of where I grew up? I think so. People were nice. People said hello when they passed by you. People said, excuse me, if they stepped on your foot. People waved at passing cars (okay, this did freak out my cubanito the first time we visited my parents!). It's simply manners.

What is wrong with us?


Anonymous said...

That;s South Florida my dear.

Kim said...

Amen! From one small town girl to another- I have felt the same way in the past. I'm sad to say I've grown sort of accustomed to S. Florida rudeness and even expect it at times. Here's to being nice for a change of pace. I have enjoyed shocking strangers with kindness in stores before! Why do they look at us like we're aliens when we do?

Ivy Vega from said...

It is so unfortunate that we live in a part of the world that is just accustomed to RUDENESS (No I am shouting).

We have discussed this before, with the frenzied man we came across in BJ's! Will never forget that!
What we do if it won't grow in us? Pack and relocate!

We travel alot, and many many times we come across driver's who drive a little erratic or just plain old rude. My husband always says: I bet you they have a FL tag. And guess what? They do.

I am sorry Maya had to experience that!