Sunday, November 2, 2008

Politics, schmolitics...

We are news watchers in our home... FOX news is on A LOT! As you all know we are Christians who do NOT believe in partial birth abortions, desecrating our flag, or socialism. My husband escaped communist Cuba many years ago and we have been talking about how a Socialist president, without Christian values is not what we want to elect. Well, my baby girl (almost 9 years old!!) soaks all of this in and prays for our country with us, asked a comical question last night:

Maya: 'Mommy, I'm scared that Obama is going to be elected.'

Me: 'Girls (her friends were here), there is no reason to be afraid. God already knows who our next President will be and it is all a part of His plan...yada, yada...'

Maya (with big wide eyes): 'Momma, you don't think God is a Democrat do you?'

=) How cute was THAT?


Linda Vazquez said...

Just to clarify, I did go on to explain to her that God is way beyond all of the labeling and politic-ing stuff but that he does care about the values and heart...ect. So no, I didn't let her go on to believe that God is a Republican (as much as I wanted to! LOL!).

Kim said...

He is on His throne and we are in His hands! I love Maya's heart- I know I say that alot but I really mean it! I'm sure you explained just right to her. You are a great Mom!