Sunday, October 19, 2008


Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez used this strategy: they were charming, they were manipulative, they were liars and frauds! After they were elected they imposed “socialismo” and this started the growth of extreme poverty, and corruption. They also appealed to many with the idea of “redistributing wealth” but are now leaders of countries where hunger and desperation is prevelant!

It's amazing to me that we have seen it happen and heard the same 'promises' and seen the results of that and yet have so many people falling for it here in the U.S. AMAZING! Are we really that gullible that we honestly can't see that this man's 'change' means socialism?

My husband and his family and MANY other friends of mine escaped Castro's Cuba to make the United States their home. Countless others have risked their lives (and many have lost and are losing them as I write this) to get away from Fidel's 'change'.

Obama is singing the same song...can't we hear it?

A friend of mine told me the other day to stop worrying about it because it's in God's hands. She's right.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh Be Careful Little Mouth...

Remember that little song, "Oh be careful little mouth what you say..."? Well, here is my 'Kids Say the Darnedest Things' for today...

One of my K4 boys said, with big wide eyes and a loud voice..."oooooooh, Ms. Linda!!!!! Her said a potty word and it was a BAAAAAAD one! The kind my mommy says!"


Funny stuff but remember, not only are they watching, they are LISTENING...closely!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Proud Momma!

Today, Maya had the opportunity to sing a short little solo in chapel at school. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how proud I was of her. She was AMAZING!!!! I captured the song on video tape so that Jorge could watch it but I could not capture the elation on her face as she walked off the stage.

When she came down and sat next to me I asked her if she had been nervous and she said, "I was very nervous, Mommy, when I started, so I closed my eyes, lifted my hands and started singing to God, for Him and not for all the people in the audience. After that I was fine!"

She is remarkable!