Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy WHAT?

Okay, here I first blog and I have to let loose with a RANT!

Why in the world do people say, "Happy Holidays"???? Okay, I KINDA get it...there are several holidays in the month of December but c'mon, people...It's CHRISTmas!!!
It really, really bothers me when I see the HH signs in stores when we are celebrating the birth of our Father! It INFURIATES me when fellow Christians, Christ followers, use HH instead of the appropriate MERRY CHRISTMAS! Aaaagggghhhhhhhh!!!

Just think, if I am infuriated and offended by this what does He think?

Now, please, don't get me wrong...I am as guilty as the rest when it comes to overspending to get my daughter an awesome gift...we do the whole Santa house has plenty of snowman and Santa decorations, but this is the kind of stuff that gets to me...I have a Jewish friend that has a Christmas tree, Santa Claus trimmings, and presents. I have asked her several times what kind of message she is sending to her daughters and she says, "Christmas is for presents". Okay, I'm not angry anymore, I'm sad.

Luke 2:11 'Today a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.'

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