Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am blessed beyond measure. Really!

I have been given so many gifts! I have a roof over my head, a bed to lie down in, heat in the winter and air in this dreadful South Florida heat! I have a husband that loves me, a daughter that at 9 years old, adores me (and when she doesn't for a while during the teen years, will again at some point in her life). I have a family, that while dysfunctional, really does love and care for one another. I have friends in my life that I consider my family. I have a spiritual leader, a man with integrity,that brought my husband to the Lord and continues to bless my family. I drive my car to work. A place that I spend the day with women that I really like. I am fortunate enough to be able to eat three meals per day (if I want to and sometimes more!).

Most importantly I have a Savior that died for ME. He loves me, protects me, cleansed me, guides me, adores me, sacrificed himself for me, and SAVED me!

'He died to pay a debt he didn't owe, because we owe a debt we couldn't pay.'

Thank you, Lord!